Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Daily Blog: Dec 10th 2009

I haven't wrote a daily blog in ages. Why do people read blogs?, you can read something but not understand the emotion behind it you only see them as words. Okay you might of had a similar thing In your life so you can connect to it, or you might be going through things now.

I think I write a blog to get things off my chest, talk about things that I'm to scared to bring to the surface with family and friends. Its my oppertunity to open my heart and just splash its feelings on a empty white pieace of paper.


Lately I've seen our lives like our own personal picture. We have a empty peace of white paper, which represents our life. We need to live life so the draw represents our paths we choose in life, our picture defines who we are and what shape we take in this world.

Then comes the detail, the colours is your drawing bright and colourful or dark and bland, is your life good are you happy or are you sad.

Good things and bad things are sometimes balanced sometimes there's more good and sometimes there's more bad, we can't choose what fate holds in store for us, atleast if you don't live your life for you. Like a drawing you can take control of your life, maybe there is a dark spot in your life, you can erase It and make omends and try to make your life better. Like the drawing you will always know the bad things have been there but that doesn't mean you can't change.

I find that when we are stuck in our life or we need to make choices or we need to ask ourself what road we want to go down, remember the drawing, your given a peace of white paper the rest is up to you :)


It feels like I haven't seen civilisation in so long, after my operation, and looking after my nan I aint had chance to go out much, it seems like I lost track of the world.

But I'm gnna try and go out tomorrow and I have a photography session friday which I'm really looking for.

I want to start making a impression, lookin smart, looking like I mean business, in a sense looking after myself more than I have in the past.


I will try to make the last thing short because a certain person will be reading my blog and well I dnt want to over throw her head with more worries and thoughts.

Here's the story, there's a girl I am so in love with, its hard to be with her and I will do anything to make tomorrow a better day for us. Things in the past few weeks have shown me that we should be together, it literally screams out at me when certain things happen, so what ever this means to you..."I know we are so amazing and perfect together, I am willing to wait to see what comes around for me and you because I know when the time comes, there's going to be one hell of a party in our life. I know I may have pushed you in the past, I know I might of questioned your motives. Life is hard for you atm you told me tonight you wished you could be happy without having to sacrifice anything, and my answer to that is, one day you will have the strengh to hold everything in your life that you love, and when that day comes, you will look back and think what did I ever worry about. I don't know if that person will be me or not but whoever it is will be one of the luckiest guys in the world to have a princess like you, okay put aside your tantrams and your moaning when smething not working out, even your lack of strengh sometimes. If you put a side all that aside they will see what I see..that you are Katie Louise Farbrother, all you bring is yourself and if you find that one that truely loves you, those little faults they will come to love because there part of you. No one is perfect but you are a real life princess in my eyes, there's not one bit I would change about you. So whether you bring beauty to my life or anothers I am glad to say that I know you because people like you are rare, I guess that's wht we must sometimes feel so lucky when we fall in love xD

Sorry that kinda wasn't short, and hey it is 3.51am I did come to bed at 2 lol.

I guess when you have something on your mind or if you need to tell someone something or do something in our lives, there's no time like the present :)

Goodnight to you all xxx
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Monday, 7 December 2009


I would be lieing to everyone if i didn't say that the past few days I have been walking around like a zombie on coke. I have been walking around like someone who is constantly thinking constantly questioning himself.

Don't we all do that, question ourself if we are good enough or not, and when it comes to love man my luck sucks ass with love, Im not gnna explain why i say that because words are not needed anymore.

I want it to snow, I love snow. But like all things we can get what we want sometimes can we. Or can we with a fight how much we fight for love depends on how much we love and how much we love shows.

I love you with all my heart and soul i would fight for you with my eyes closed always x

Forever and Always x

Sunday, 6 December 2009

:-) Atleast in some form the truth is told :)

katie, do me a favour and yourself a favour
tell me what youve been wnting to tell me ?
now with no hesitations
i love you and i want to fight for us because i believe in us

After a long thought..

After a long time thinking of this weekend, and trust me I have had all weekend to think, since most of my weekend has been peaceful. I have thoughts about my life and people in it and everything. I have come to a few conclusions.

1. I love Katie-Louise and I will show her how much I love her Life is to short :)

2. Christmas has began and I am going to enjoy it.

3. I am going to work for what I want

4. I am going to look after the friends I have because I don't have many and the friends I have mean alot to me.

5. I am going to continue being true to myself

This weekend, I have thought about everything more than there is here..

Friday, 4 December 2009

First Time

Says It All :) x

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Audio Blog 01

Just something I want to get out loud

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

What I have Learnt...

Over the past week, I have been watching smallville and listening to a lot of lifehouse, and alot of things in life remind us of that one feeling. There was a scene in smallville when Clark was in the pouring rain looking at Larna, You could see it in his eyes, thats where he wanted to be more than any place.

I've learnt that opportunities are going to be in front of you and you need to take them because like life, they may not be back around again. But you can only show your love and what you have to give, if your not wanted or accepted then you either need to fight and wait for what you want, if its what you most love, or you give up.

I won't tell you which I am doing because I would hope my actions show which I choose.

I have always been true and always told you everything, I hope both of our dreams come true for our sake, because life doesnt seem the same for either of us.

Good Day x

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

So Many, But So Few

Why are there so many moments in life when you wish you could speak up and tell someone how you really feel.

Why are the so many moments in life which we waste, time is ment to be precious, so why do we take the moment for granted why do we take everything for granted?

I have made a promise with myself today, that I am going to live life being true to myself always no matter what the situation and no matter who the person. If someone wants to be here for me and someone wants to do this or do that for me, then there actions will lead there way in life and show it.

I have so many questions but to little answers, my faith is being challenged at the moment because I am in love and for all the wrong derisions we are not together. Is life so bold, I hope i will find that dream once in my life, the dream that there is no reasons behind love its simply 2 people.

Its a short one but Im in a mellow mood :)